Thursday, October 04, 2007

Sara Moon Devlin


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! She is SOOOO, so, so beautiful. And alert too (Emma was like that)! Hope Hee Hung is doing okay! Tell her to take it easy and rest!

Lots of love, Laura

Anonymous said...

Sara is so beautiful! Our sincerest congratulations to the family in Seoul! please tell Hee Jung to rest and that we love her.
Love always, Aunt Pat

Jeffrey Miller said...

Congratulations Kyle and Hee-jung!

Kun Herrini said...

Coooooongratulations from Indonesia. Sara, you have Aunt Kun and Uncle Rizal here.

Hee Jung, big hug from your sister here. are a Dad, now. Congrats.

Kun & Putri and Rizal

Unknown said...

Congratulations again! She's gorgeous. Huge eyes and already a head full of silky hair. I hope to see you soon, and please tell Hee-Jung congratulations for me.


Anonymous said...


I hope that you are going to have wonderful days from now on. ^^

Jun-Ho, Lee